Wednesday, 18 July 2007

08 Padding

8.1Cotton with wool felt padding. Creates well defined shapes.
8.2Fine polyester fabric with padding of plastic canvas. I tried pressing the sample with a hot iron to see if the fabric would mould itself onto the canvas. It has worked to some extent.
8.3Crystal organza with felt and pipe cleaner padding. Stem stitch round felt pads. The felt provided a firm edge to stitch round. I stitched round the pipe cleaners with running stitch to give a more raised effect.
8.4Cotton with padding of round and long beads and pieces of a kebab stick. Produces well defined shapes. Hard to the touch.
8.5Combination of fabrics with bubblewrap padding. This sample was to compare how bubblewrap padding woud look and feel under different types of fabric. Fabrics used are, muslin, organza, crystal organza and silk. The most interesting effect was created by the silk bcause the bubbles made an impression on the fabric.

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