14.1 & 14.2 | Flat, looped, chained, knotted and composite stitches.
Flat Stitches: Ships ladder Thorn Arrowhead Crown Sheaf filling Three sided Triangle Belgian cross
Looped Stitches: Blanket Cretan Fly Double fly Feather Closed buttonhole stitch Crossed buttonhole stitch Half chevron stitch Bonnet stitch Loop stitch Triple cretan Maidenhair stitch
Chain Stitches: Cable Double chain Wheatear Open chain zig-zag chain Heavy chain Spine chain Feathered chain Petal stitch Sailor stitch Twisted Chain
Knotted stitches: French Knot Coral Stitch Zig-zag coral bullion Pearl Chinese knot
Composite Stitches: Interlacing herringbone Interlaced band Portuguese border stitch Raised Chain band Pekinese stitch Threaded chain stitch Interlaced buttonhole stitch Threaded treble running stitch Ribbed spiders web Cup stitch | |
14.3 | Formal stitching rhythm using cretan stitch. I've mainly used cotton perle thread but I've also used wire, wool, 6 strand floss and cotton tape on some samples. | |
14.4 | Informal stitching rhythm using cretan stitch. | |